Space Quest Omnipedia

Sariens (original version)

Sariens are a race of green-skinned alien marauders who appear in Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter (AGI universes).


Roger saved the Earnon galaxy first from slimy simian Sariens.[1]

Sariens are space pirates who cruise the galaxies wreacking havoc. Once citizens of Earnon, the Sariens were banished long ago for their warlike ways [one would think they would have gotten over it by now, but appaently the still hold a grudge]. The Sarienss' immediate intent is to capture the Star Generator and bring it aboard their battle cruiser Deltaur. With the Star Generator in their possession, the Sariens would have the ultimate weapon with which to be revenged on the civilization that ostracized them so long ago. they planned to unleash its awesome power on Xenon, destroying all life there, and bring the rest of Earnon to its knees. The day of reckoning had now come, as the massive battle cruisder swung into attack position.

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